sábado, 24 de julho de 2010

de uma amiga ... Thanks KT

"Have you ever felt lost? Like really really lost in every possible meaning of the word? Don't be scared. We're all here, all caught up in this same beautiful mess that they call life. We all know how to get out, how to escape, but the other side of that wall is too scary, to unknown, even more than the side we find ourselves on.

And it's beautiful this mess, we don't want to get out, even though sometimes it's so beautiful it hurts. You know the sensation you get when you see something so lovely that it makes you cry? So touching that you lose control over your own feelings? That's life.

When you feel lonely, when you feel lost and don't know how to find the way home, think about that, we're all in this together, 6 billion lonely and lost souls. And we're all searching for those few who can understand us, who can make us feel like we belong somewhere. Those who can take our hand and dry our tears.
Some of them are chosen by life itself. Those who share our blood and are supposed to be similar to us and therefore understand. If you're lucky you might never feel really lonely because of these ones. But sometimes nature gets things wrong, makes a mistake, and you'll have to find your way on your own. Take control yourself. They might love you, they might be willing to give up everything for you, but if they don't understand? If they don't know how it feels, what can you do?

You might feel alone, nowhere to go, helpless and weak, but darling, don't worry, we're all here for you, you just have to find those ones that will squeeze your hand back when you need it. The ones that will look you in the eyes and know everything, and let you know that everything will be ok.

Life is here and now, live it to the fullest, enjoy every minute, also the sad ones.
You're strong, you're beautiful and you have your whole life in front of you. If you're lost, like I know you are, 'cause we're all lost in the end, don't worry. The earth is round, if you walk and walk you'll always find your way back and we'll all be waiting for you here.
If you want I'll even walk with you, I'll hold your hand and make you feel less alone. That's what I'm here for.
That's life.
We're all lost."


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